Tattoo Limiting Your Career? What You Need To Know About Removal

Posted on: 8 August 2017


Mark Cropp made the news in New Zealand and Australia when he asked for assistance to get a facial tattoo removed because it was preventing him from getting hired for jobs. While you can hide some tattoos under clothing, facial tattoos certainly make a statement that is not easy to hide. So what are your options if you get a tattoo that you eventually wanted removed? Here are the main points you need to know about tattoo removal.

How Soon Can A Tattoo Be Removed?

In Mark's case, he had to wait until he was released from jail before he could start the process of tattoo removal. However, if you have gotten a tattoo that you regret the next morning, the problem is you're going to be stuck with it for at least six weeks.

The skin renewal time cycle is the main factor in determining how long you need to wait. The skin needs to heal from the trauma of the tattoo needle penetration. This healing time normally takes six weeks, but it varies between individuals and could be eight weeks or longer. If an attempt is made to remove the tattoo before the skin fully heals, then you will experience permanent scarring.

What Makes A Tattoo Removal Successful?

There are several variables that affect how successfully a tattoo removal procedure actually is. They include things like the following.

  1. The colour of the tattoo counts. Black and dark colour inks such as green and blue are easier to remove than light colours such as white. Black ink is easiest to remove because of the way the laser light targets the colour pigment in your skin. The more contrast there is between the ink colour and the skin, the easier it is for the laser to target.
  2. Smokers are less successful than non-smokers because of the body's ability to heal after the laser treatment. Smokers who suffer wounds heal more slowly than nonsmokers. If you smoke, consider quitting before your removal treatment.
  3. Skin colouring plays a part in that lighter skin has a higher success rate than darker skin. This is again due to the contrast between the ink colour and the skin. The laser needs to pinpoint its beam into the ink to break it apart. If it cannot distinguish between the ink and the skin, it is not as effective.

Tattoos can limit the number and types of jobs you are offered. If you feel your tattoo is holding back your career, talk to your local tattoo removal specialist to obtain further information about getting it removed.